Traditional Treatments in Panchakarma

Panchakarma, the ancient treatment part of Ayurveda Lifestyle is used to treat almost all of the major diseases. Panchakarma is a natural healing therapy using organic products in line with Ayurveda.
Panchakarma is effective and has influenced many other alternate treatment therapies.
Panchakarma has been effective in treating arthritis and joint pains,allergies & infections ,heart diseases, hypertension, asthma, immune problems, digestive disorders & ulcers, cholesterol build up and skin related problems.

Pancha means “Five” and Karma Means “actions”. Actions here denote the therapies we are using. Five therapies in Main Panchakarma Treatments are

  • Vaman (Therapeutic Emesis)
  • Virechana (Purgation)
  • Basti (Medicated Enema)
  • Nasya (Nasal Irrigation)
  • Rakta Moksha (Blood Letting)

Panchakarma Treatments happens in Two Phase

Shamana and Shodhana

Shamana Includes all the pre-panchakarma and post-panchakarma process.
Pre Panchakarma process involves Oil massages and Snehapana (Internal Oleation) . A particular diet is prescribed .Sweating therapy and some exercises are followed.
In Post-Panchakarma Patients are advised to limit certain activities, take rest, follow a prescribed diet and .Proper Planning is provided to the patients.


Herbs, Oils and Juices


A Special Medicated Fluid is provided to the patient to initiate Emesis. It is done to clear Toxins from the upper part of the stomach and the Guts.

: Relief from Congestion, breathlessness
: Reduction in Cholesterol and Harmful Fats in the Body
: Promotes Good Voice and Appetite
: Efficient in treating skin problems and asthma.


Its a medicated Purgation process. Therapy involves intake of medicated herbs and Ayurvedic medicines  to clear the doshas and toxins from the anal route.

: Effective in treatment for constipation, acidity, piles, , jaundice, ulcers, diarrhea
: Reduction in Cholesterol and Harmful Fats in the Body
: Helps manage diabetes, asthma and heart diseases,
: Reduces Gynaecological Disorders


Basti is Therapeutic enema.  Basti is administered by the introduction of medicated fluid into the colon.  Basti can be Categorised into two ; Anuvasan Basti (Oil Enema ) & Niruha Basti ( Decoction Enema) .

: Improved bowel movements
: Removal of Toxins from the lower tracts
: Cures diseases like Cervical Spondylosis, Digestive Disorders, Backache, Obesity Piles,
: Improved Immunity


Our Nose forms a conscious contact point with our brain. Nasya treatments lubricates the nasal passages. It involves administration of nasal oils and herbal formulations through the nasal cavity.

: Efficient in Treating Migraine , Sinusitis, Congestion, ENT Problems , Facial Paralysis
: Reduces Hairfall
: Activated Sense Organs
: Prevents Early Ageing

Rakta Moksha

Blood Letting Treatment in Ayurveda is a process of blood detoxification. Blood Letting removed toxins like excess sugar, salt, fats, etc to cleanse the bloods. Distinct type of Leeches are used.

: Treats skin disease, herpes, jaundice, abscesses, acne, eczema, scabies, ulcers,
: Removes Fats, Cholesterol and reduces Hypertension and other Lifestyle Disorders
: Improved Blood Flow
: Improved Immunity and Conscious.

Panchakarma is an holistic approach to treat the disease right were it matters. Using ancient science of Ayurveda, Panchakarma surely Detoxifies and Rejuvenates.

Published by Panchakarma Therapy

Established in the year 1987 with the promise to spearhead His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Ji’s mission “Create a disease-free society”, Maharishi Ayurveda has been making the science of Ayurveda more relevant to modern lifestyle. It is renowned for its expertise, superior solutions, and over 800 research and clinical trials conducted in prestigious institutions around the world. Maharishi Ayurveda is providing the most effective Ayurveda panchakarma therapy in Delhi for full mind-body healing, cleansing, and rejuvenation. For more visit

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